Monday, October 14, 2013

Where would i be if not by your Grace,Lord...

Thank you Lord,
Thank you,Lord...

There is no words that can describe how grateful am i for having you as my GOD...

Yeahh...You make me back again on track after im stumble down...

Where would i be if not by your GRACE???I'm just like walking in the desert and i dont know how to get outta there...

Feelin stuck,Feelin so confused and just dont know how to find the way out...

If it not YOU by myside,.I dont know where i supposed to be Lord...

Make me realize my position and why im stuckin here again and at the same position....

Its like you're giving me a Re-test for my mistake,for my failure..and i know its for my own sake...its for my own life... teach me like your own daughter,..Letting me stuck and feel confused are making me realize that Im nothing without you, is very important to keep our heart and make a right respond to everything that happen in life....

Let me keep holding on to you and obey all your Rules ,Lord...

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