Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dont Give up just Stay in Faith

Currently,I've been feels like this world is so cruel to me and i just dont know what should i do then T.T 

Huffttttt,..I've been working here for 3 years,still work at the same place that God has recommended to me and i just feel like i'm still nothing here..if i could compare myself to others, i can see that most of my friend more success than me,.and it really sucks,..huhuhuhuuu....btw im not envy about my friend,but i just think that im a loser here..T.T

Then I came up with a question to God,..while i prayed i asked Him about my job...God,.What should i do next??? Should i resign or what???And It feels like God still not answering yet.

On April I just got an interview at Ciptadana Securities, firstly im not interest with that company cause Sinarmas Sekuritas is better than Ciptadana,so i just ignored the interview hahahhaa...The next week,I just got the 2nd email from the CS for interview,so i decided to attend the interview without Asking God,.hahahaa..

The next week(Just forget the date XD ) after the email i come to interview,and its run not well :)) *it seems like God still not want me to resign hahhhaaaaa...

The next day after interview,my friend told me that he will resign per May ..so he will give half of his customer to me..what a Good news,hahahaa..but the worst news that i have to handle most of his fussy customers.. It seems like God works in way we cant see and expected :)

And now its almost 2month for me to handle his customers,and i just found that his customers is very nice to me and its not like what i have been thought..and one of them is recommend me to her friend :) *wow its a big oppurtunity for me *yeahh

Feel so happy with them and i just realize what i've been looking for : My passion on work,Work with excitement and enjoying it..For I know that God's Plan never failed,.and Always have a happy ending..

When everything seems like no answers,When situation looks like what I didnt expect,When it feels like the world so cruel teach me to stay in Faith and always believe in YOU ,.For I know that you always walk by my side and never leaves me alone..

Dear GOD, I've tried my best but if today I lose hope,please tell me that Your Plans are better than my dreams..

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