Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Me and My fringes

Me before get my new fringes

Its been 5month since i've decided to makes a new fringes by my self hahahaa,..btw many of my friends said that the fringes looks good on me :)) *terharuuu* wkwkwkkwkw....

Hmmm..mungkin tujuan postingan ini cm buat menunjukan eksistensi dalam kenarsisan gw,..biar dibilang ga kudet..ckckckkckck  *lebay mode on*

baru gw sadari kl poni itu ngefek banget yak..sampe bikin gw keliatan lebih cakep *kata tmn2 gw gitu* wkwkwkwkw....tp disatu sisi poni itu bikin jerawatan x.x *huhuhuhuuuuuu...


  1. emang ngefek banget ntin -__- aku tanpa poni bagaikan bakpao XD hahahah

  2. hahhaaa...ayo bikin poni chii...biar keliatan cikemm :)


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