Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dont Give up just Stay in Faith

Currently,I've been feels like this world is so cruel to me and i just dont know what should i do then T.T 

Huffttttt,..I've been working here for 3 years,still work at the same place that God has recommended to me and i just feel like i'm still nothing here..if i could compare myself to others, i can see that most of my friend more success than me,.and it really sucks,..huhuhuhuuu....btw im not envy about my friend,but i just think that im a loser here..T.T

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Just got my new fringes...and its bang :))

Sebelum potong poni x.X *Jidatnya itu lhooo..

Ponikuu duluu oh tak beginii...hahahhaaa,..
Poni gw yang uda panjang bikin gw akhirnya ngejepitin poni muluu dan itu bikin jidat gw yang lebarr itu membentang dengan luass *lebayness mode on*

Thank you for Loving me as iam ,Lord..


Hari itu aku balik lagi ke rumah, sudah lama aku ga kesana dan kedatanganku disambut oleh pelukan hangat dan senyuman papi.